“Wow, that wasn’t there when I left,” I thought to myself. A freshly-minted rainbow mural with some sort of bear has taken the place of a beer billboard. Before that, Instagrammers flocked here for the aspirational “You are Brave” proclamation. From the high-end sneaker concierge bar that lasted only a few months to the seemingly overnight manifestation of the Dairy Block micro-district, many of Denver’s major thoroughfares and facades have gotten a facelift.
Denver, Colorado is growing by leaps and bounds and it’s hard to miss the distinct outline of a crane in the city skyline despite a brilliant Broncos-colored sunset doing its best to conceal the unsightly distraction. It’s a city that’s almost become almost unrecognizable to a local, yet there are touches of familiarity jigsawed among the new development. Our beloved sports stadiums, a few mainstay blocks like Larimer Square, its flags and lights swaying in the moonlight, and the distinct smell of marijuana mixed with the crisp mountain air lingers. But it’s the newness that drives growth, attracting new residents, visitors and looky-loos all wondering what that Mile High magic is all about.
Whether you’ve been to Denver once or 100 times, the city’s rapid evolution promises to surprise and delight with each visit. Whether you come for the brews or Rocky Mountain views, there’s no shortage of places to play and cool places to stay.